
Zoshicho 486-5, Nara, Nara 630-8211

terms of service

Terms and Conditions of Accommodation

Article 1 (Scope of Application)

  1. Contracts for accommodation and related agreements concluded between our auberge and guests shall be governed by these terms and conditions. Any matters not stipulated herein shall be governed by laws or generally accepted practices.
  2. Should our auberge agree to special provisions within the bounds of laws and customs, such provisions shall take precedence over these terms and conditions.

Article 2 (Application for Accommodation Contract)

  1. Guests who wish to apply for an accommodation contract with our auberge shall provide the following information:
    (1) Name of the guest
    (2) Date of accommodation and estimated time of arrival
    (3) Accommodation charges (as a rule, based on the basic accommodation charges listed in Appendix 1)
    (4) Other information deemed necessary by our auberge
  2. If a guest requests to extend their stay beyond the dates in item 2 above during their stay, our auberge shall treat this as a new application for an accommodation contract at the time such request is made.

Article 3 (Formation of Accommodation Contract)

  1. The accommodation contract shall be deemed formed when our auberge accepts the application as stipulated in the preceding article. However, this does not apply if our auberge proves that it did not accept the application.
  2. When the accommodation contract is formed as per the preceding clause, the guest shall pay an application fee specified by our auberge, up to the amount of basic accommodation charges for the accommodation period (not exceeding three days) by the date specified by our auberge.
  3. The application fee shall be first applied to the final accommodation charges payable by the guest, then to cancellation charges under Article 6 and compensation under Article 18, and any remaining amount shall be refunded at the time of payment under Article 12.
  4. If the guest fails to pay the application fee by the specified date, the accommodation contract shall become invalid. However, this is limited to cases where our auberge has informed the guest of the payment deadline for the application fee.

Article 4 (Special Provisions for Non-Payment of Application Fee)

  1. Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding article, our auberge may accept special provisions that do not require payment of the application fee after the formation of the contract.
  2. If our auberge does not request payment of the application fee under Paragraph 2 of Article 2 or does not specify a payment deadline at the time of accepting the application, it shall be treated as having accepted such special provisions.

Article 5 (Refusal to Conclude Accommodation Contract)

Our auberge may refuse to conclude an accommodation contract in the following cases:

(1) When the application for accommodation is not made in accordance with these terms and conditions.

(2) When there is no room availability due to full occupancy.

(3) When the person seeking accommodation is likely to engage in conduct contrary to laws, public order, or good morals.

(4) When the person seeking accommodation falls under any of the following:

I. Organized crime groups as defined in Article2, Item 2 of the Law Concerning Prevention of Unjust by Organized Crime Groups(Law No. 77, 1991), organized crime group members, quasi-members of organized crime groups, or related parties, or other antisocial forces.
II. When an organized crime group or its member controls business activities of a corporation or other organization.
III. When a corporation’s officer is a member of an organized crime group.

(5) When the person seeking accommodation has caused significant inconvenience to other guests.

(6) When the person seeking accommodation is clearly recognized as having an infectious disease.

(7) When the person seeking accommodation makes violent demands or demands beyond a reasonable extent.

(8) When the person seeking accommodation engages in the following conduct:

① Makes violent demands.
② Interferes with the exercise of rights or forces obligations.
③ Makes unreasonable demands beyond reasonable limits.
④ Obstructs the business by using deceptive means (including spreading false information, deceptive and seductive acts, etc.) or force (including abusive language, violent acts, etc.).

(9) When accommodation cannot be provided due to natural disasters, the spread of infectious diseases, facility failures, or other unavoidable reasons.

(10) When it falls under the provisions of the Nara Prefecture Inn Business Law Enforcement Ordinance (Article 4).

(11) When unreasonable discounts or services not mentioned in the contract, such as upgrades or prolonged unreasonable demands, are requested as per the revised Inn Business Law enforced on December 31, 2023 (Article 5, paragraph 1, item 3).

Article 6 (Guest’s Right to Cancel Contract)

  1. The guest may cancel the accommodation contract by notifying our auberge.
  2. In the event that the guest cancels all or part of the accommodation contract due to reasons attributable to the guest (except in the event that our auberge specifies the due date for payment of the application fee and requests payment thereof pursuant to Article 3, paragraph 2, and the guest cancels the accommodation contract prior to such payment), our auberge shall charge a penalty fee as specified in appended table 2. In the event that our auberge agrees to the special contract stipulated in Article 4, Paragraph 1, the penalty shall be charged only when our auberge has notified the guest of his/her obligation to pay the penalty in the event that he/she cancels the accommodation contract.
  3. In the event the guest does not arrive by 6 PM on the day of accommodation (or two hours after the notified arrival time), without prior notice, our auberge may treat the accommodation contract as having been canceled by the guest.

Article 7 (Auberge’s Right to Cancel Contract)

  1. Our auberge may cancel the accommodation contract in the following cases:
    (1) When the guest is likely to engage in or has engaged in conduct contrary to laws, public order, or good morals.
    (2) When the guest falls under any of the following:
      I. Organized crime groups, organized crime group members, quasi-members of organized crime groups, related parties, or other antisocial forces.
      II. When an organized crime group or its member controls business activities of a corporation or other organization.
      III. When a corporation’s officer is a member of an organized crime group.
    (3) When the guest has caused significant inconvenience to other guests.
    (4) When the guest is clearly recognized as having an infectious disease.
    (5) When the guest makes violent demands or demands beyond a reasonable extent.
    (6) When the guest engages in the following conduct:
      ① Makes violent demands.
      ② Interferes with the exercise of rights or forces obligations.
      ③ Makes unreasonable demands beyond reasonable limits.
      ④ Obstructs the business by using deceptive means (including spreading false information, deceptive and seductive acts, etc.) or force (including abusive language, violent acts, etc.).
    (7) When accommodation cannot be provided due to natural disasters, the spread of infectious diseases, facility failures, or other unavoidable reasons.
    (8) When it falls under the provisions of the Nara Prefecture Inn Business Law Enforcement Ordinance (Article 4).
    (9) When the guest smokes in bed, tampers with firefighting equipment, or fails to comply with other prohibited items stipulated in the usage regulations (limited to those necessary for fire prevention).
  2. When our auberge cancels the accommodation contract based on the preceding provisions, it s   hall not charge the guest for services not yet provided.

Article 8 (Registration of Accommodation)

  1. Guests shall register the following information at the front desk on the day of accommodation:
    (1) Name, age, gender, phone number, address, and occupation of the guest
    (2) For foreigners, nationality, passport number, place of entry, and date of entry
    (3) Departure date and expected departure time
    (4) information deemed necessary by our auberge
  2.  If the guest intends to pay the charges under Article 12 by accommodation coupons, credit cards, or other substitute methods, they shall present them at the time of registration.

Article 9 (Use of Guest Rooms)

  1. Guests may use the guest rooms from 3 PM to 10 AM the next day. However, guests staying consecutively may use the rooms all day, except on arrival and departure dates.
  2. Our auberge may accept the use of guest rooms outside these hours as specified in the preceding clause. In such cases, the following additional charges shall apply:
    (1) Up to 3 hours: one-third of the room charge
    (2) Up to 6 hours: half of the room charge
    (3) Over 6 hours: full room charge
  3. The room charge in the preceding clause shall be the same as the basic accommodation charges.

Article 10 (Compliance with Usage Regulations)

Guests shall comply with the usage regulations established by our auberge and posted within the hotel premises.

Article 11 (Service Hours)

  1. The main facilities’ operating hours shall be as follows. Details of other facilities’ operating hours shall be provided in the brochures, notices posted at various locations, and the service directory in guest rooms.
    (1) Front Desk/Cashier Service Hours:
      Ⅰ. Curfew: 10:00 PM
      ⅠⅠ. Front Desk Service: 09:00 AM – 10:00 PM
    (2) Meal Service Hours:
      Ⅰ. Breakfast: 08:00 / 08:30 / 09:00 AM
      ⅠⅠ. Dinner: 06:00 PM –
  2. The above hours may be temporarily changed if necessary due to unavoidable circumstances. In such cases, we will inform you by appropriate means.

Article 12 (Payment of Charges)

  1. The breakdown of accommodation charges to be paid by guests is provided in Appendix 1.
  2. The payment of the accommodation charges described in the preceding clause shall be made in currency or by other alternative methods such as accommodation coupons or credit cards accepted by our auberge, either at the time of the guest’s departure or when requested by our auberge at the front desk.
  3. Even if the guest voluntarily decides not to use the accommodation provided by our auberge after it has become available, the accommodation charges will still be collected.

Article 13 (Responsibility of Our Auberge)

  1. Our auberge shall compensate guests for any damage incurred in the performance or non-performance of accommodation contracts and related agreements, unless such damage is not attributable to our auberge.
  2. Our auberge has subscribed to innkeeper liability insurance to cope with any unexpected fire incidents, etc.

Article 14 (Handling of Cases Where Contracted Guest Rooms Cannot Be Provided)

  1. If our auberge is unable to provide the contracted guest room, it shall, with the consent of the guest, arrange for alternative accommodation under the same conditions to the extent possible.
  2.  If our auberge is unable to arrange alternative accommodation despite the provisions of the preceding clause, it shall pay compensation to the guest equivalent to the breach of contract penalty, which shall be applied to the damage compensation amount. However, if our auberge is not responsible for the unavailability of the guest room, compensation will not be paid.

Article 15 (Handling of Deposited Items)

  1. Our auberge shall compensate guests for damage incurred in the event of loss, destruction, or damage to items, cash, and valuables deposited at the front desk, unless such damage is due to force majeure. However, with respect to cash and valuables, if our auberge has requested the guest to declare the type and value but the guest has not complied, our auberge shall compensate the damage up to a maximum of 150,000 yen (including tax).
  2. Our auberge shall compensate guests for damage incurred in the event of loss, destruction, or damage due to the intentional or negligent acts of our auberge to items, cash, and valuables brought into the auberge by guests but not deposited at the front desk. However, if the guest did not declare the type and value of such items in advance, our auberge shall compensate the damage up to a maximum of 150,000 yen (including tax), except in cases of intentional or gross negligence by our auberge.

Article 16 (Storage of Guest’s Baggage and Belongings)

  1.  If the guest’s baggage arrives at our auberge prior to their stay, our auberge shall be responsible for its storage only if prior consent has been obtained, and the baggage shall be handed over to the guest upon check-in at the front desk.
  2.  If the guest’s baggage or belongings are left behind after check-out, our auberge shall contact the owner if known and seek instructions. If no instructions are given by the owner or if the owner is not identified, the items shall be stored for a certain period (approximately one month) before being handed over to the nearest police station.
  3. The responsibility of our auberge regarding the storage of guest’s baggage or belongings in the cases described in the preceding two clauses shall be governed by the provisions of Article 15, Clause 1, for the first case, and Clause 2, for the second case.

Article 17 (Parking Responsibility)

When guests use the parking facilities of our auberge, our auberge only lends the space and does not assume responsibility for the management of the vehicle, regardless of whether the vehicle’s key is deposited. However, our auberge shall compensate for damages caused by the intentional or negligent acts of our auberge in managing the parking facilities.

Article 18 (Guest’s Responsibility)

If the guest causes damage to our auberge due to theft or negligence, the guest shall compensate our auberge for such damages.

Appendix 1
Breakdown of Accommodation Charges (related to Article 2, Clause 1, and Article 12, Clause 1)

Total amount payable
by guests
Accommodation Fee①Basic room charge (room charge + breakfast, dinner and other food and beverage charges)
Additional charges②Additional food and beverages (food and beverages excluding those included in ①)
③ Sale of goods
TaxesConsumption tax and other taxes stipulated by law
Remarks 1. The basic room charge is based on the tariff shown in the homepage.

Appendix 2
Penalty Charges (related to Article 6, Clause 2)

Date of
No showReserved
1 day
3 days
5 days
7 days
% of Base
Room Charge
% of Base Room Charge
Date of
No show100%
1 day
3 days
5 days
7 days


  1. The percentage indicates the ratio of the cancellation fee to the basic accommodation charges.
  2. If the contract duration is shortened, a cancellation fee for one day (the first day) will be charged regardless of the number of days shortened.
  3. For special accommodation plans organized by us or by other groups, different cancellation fees may apply, which differ from this policy.
  4. Smoking is prohibited throughout the premises. If smoking or cigarette butts are found in the rooms or premises, the following compensation for room cleaning and room downtime will be charged (the total of a and b below):
    a. Cleaning fee for smoking in the room: 30,000 yen per room (including tax)
    b. Room downtime fee for smoking in the room: 150,000 yen per room per day (including tax)

Usage Policy

Our auberge has established the following “Usage Policy” based on Article 10 of the Terms and Conditions for Accommodation to ensure the safety and comfort of our guests. We appreciate your cooperation. Failure to comply with these rules may result in refusal of your stay or use of the facilities.

  1. The operating hours of our auberge are from 3:00 PM for check-in to 11:00 AM for check-out. The use of facilities outside these hours is not permitted.
  2. Smoking is prohibited throughout the premises. Please refrain from smoking while walking around the auberge, as it may cause a fire.
  3. The use of heating, cooking appliances, and hazardous items in guest rooms is prohibited.
  4. In case of an emergency, please follow the instructions of the fire safety manager.
  5. Please refrain from meeting visitors in the guest rooms.
  6. Please avoid loud voices, singing, staying while intoxicated, disruptive behavior, gambling, or any actions that disturb public morals and order or cause inconvenience to other guests. If complaints are received from nearby residents, you may be asked to leave.
  7. The following items are prohibited from being brought into the facility:
    Ⅰ. Animals (including pets such as dogs and cats)
    Ⅱ. Items emitting a strong odor
    Ⅲ. Excessively large quantities of goods
    Ⅳ. Explosive or flammable items such as gunpowder or volatile oils
    Ⅴ. Firearms and swords not legally permitted to be possessed
    Ⅵ. Illegal drugs such as cannabis, narcotics, and stimulants
  8. Please refrain from bringing and consuming outside food and beverages in the guest rooms. Our auberge cannot be held responsible for any food poisoning resulting from the consumption of such items.
  9. Do not alter the current state of the guest rooms or use the facilities and equipment for purposes other than intended without permission.
  10. Our auberge shall not be responsible for damages resulting from the loss or destruction of cash or valuables not deposited at the front desk.
  11. Guests under the age of 18 may not stay without parental consent.
  12. If your baggage or personal belongings are left behind, our auberge shall follow the instructions of the owner if known. If no instructions are provided or the owner is not identified, items will be stored for three months from the date of discovery.
  13. Dinner will be served at 06:00 PM in the restaurant, with all guests starting simultaneously. Breakfast is 08:00 / 08:30 / 09:00 AM. In case of late arrival, the course content may be partially changed for food safety reasons.
  14. If you use our auberge for restaurant services only, the following cancellation policy applies:
     ・Cancellations after three days prior: 50% of the course fee
     ・Cancellations after one day prior: 100% of the course fee
     ・No-shows: 100% of the course fee
    If you are going to be late, please contact us. If you are more than 15 minutes late without prior notice, it may be considered a no-show. We cannot change the last order time due to your late arrival.